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About Us

Riveredge Farms was established in 1921 by the Martin and Magdalena Geiser family. Along with their 12 children, Martin and Magdalena grew their home into a dairy and diversified crop farm, raising dairy cows, hogs, chickens, barley, oats, rapeseed, alfalfa.and a large garden.


The 2nd generation to operate the farm was Norbert and Alfred. The brothers continued to expand the farm milking 52 cows on a pipeline by the early 1950'. Our 2nd generation ushered in the change from horse-drawn power to the first tractors and self-propelled combine on the farm. 


Two of Alfred's sons Luke and Leon, continued dairy farming in the early 1980s. During the mid 1990s, beef cattle were added to the operation to utilize excess pasture. The original beef cows were a variety of breeds including Fleckvieh, Simmental, Hereford, Angus, and other crossbreeds. The decision was made in December of 1997 to sell the dairy herd and transition fully to beef cattle and cash crops. 


Today Riveredge Farms is managed by the 3rd and 4th generations of the Geiser family, with Luke's son Jared involved in day-to-day operation of the farm. We currently grow winter wheat, soybeans, alfalfa, and mixed grass hay crops. We utilize no-till, crop rotations, and cover crops to preserve soil health.  We run 55-60 registered  Simmental and SimAngus cows. We retain ownership of our steers and sell direct to consumer through our beef program. We also sell a limited number of yearling bulls annually and select groups of Simmental influence females. 




Our mission is to continue our farming legacy, raising high quality cattle and crops focused on the future. 


We farm with the mantra "It's not our land, but it's our turn."



N3776 Geiser Rd

Chilton WI 53014




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